Which of these two would get birth control if the anti-choice leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives gets its way?
Politico and RH Reality Check are reporting that anti-choice Rep. Dan Burton of Indiana has introduced an amendment to a spending bill that would promote contraception--for wild horses.
This comes at the same time as the anti-choice House leadership is pushing to eliminate all funding for Title X, the nation's only domestic family-planning program for humans.
House members fighting to preserve a horse's right to birth control would be laughable, if they weren't trying to block women from accessing contraception at the exact same time. You know what this move says?? It says that our own government considers the worth of a woman & her health to be less than that of a horse's. Hey, Rep. Burton, Afghanistan called...they said they'd like you to give them back their views & opinions on women that you borrowed from them.
As a woman, I am utterly insulted. And every other woman out there readig this should be insulted and outraged, too!
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